Tag Archives: EPFL

Sharing Rather Than Owning: How to Enable Collaborative Consumption?

Prof. Weber’s paper “Intermediation in a Sharing Economy: Insurance, Moral Hazard, and Rent Extraction,” to appear in the upcoming winter issue of the Journal of Management Information Systems, examines how intelligent transaction-design by an intermediary can solve a conundrum that has prevented market-based sharing for the better part of history. Using the example of collaborative housing it is shown how an intermediary can provide insurance to encourage good behavior on the part of both the borrower and the lender, and at the same time extract a portion of the gains from trade. The article is an extended journal version of a contribution on the “Collaborative Housing and the Intermediation of Moral Hazard,” presented at the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) earlier this year.

Source: actu.epfl.ch

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